Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats(VI/2 п.2, A-VI/2 п. п. 7-10)

Speedboat Specialist
  • Students: 6
  • Duration: 24 hours

Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats(VI/2 п.2, A-VI/2 п. п. 7-10)

The course is designed for specialists who can be appointed to be in charge of the operation fast rescue boats.

The purpose of the course is to provide retrain for ship specialists who may have the tasks and responsibilities of operating fast rescue boats. Their level of competence should be sufficient for using boats and its command.

The objectives of the course is to ensure that the specialists who have completed the fast rescue boats course be able:

  • ensure training and accommodation people to the boats, launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat;
  • confidently to handle a boat and use devices for launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat;
  • to conduct maritime rescue operation at sea using a fast rescue boats including in the event of a disturbance. Maneuvering skills applied at low and high speeds and also a movement close to the side of a moving vessel;
  • using existing equipment and know how to use It including the use of signal equipment and means of communications with a ship and a helicopter.

Course content consists of theoretical and practical parts.

A specialist who has passed the theoretical part of the fast rescue boats course will know:

  • what are their tasks, duties and responsibilities during the duty;
  • how to act and what duties to perform in case of alarm «MOB»;
  • safety measures for the fast boats;
  • what restrictions must be observed while equipment the fast rescue boats when it would be necessary;
  • how the fast rescue boats are equipped;
  • procedure of using equipment of the fast rescue boats.

The practical part of the course is aimed at acquiring skills that enable:

  • to command the launch of a the fast rescue boat;
  • Launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat in prevailing and adverse weather and sea conditions;
  • training and boarding people;
  • to run and operate the fast boat;
  • to use emergency communication facilities;
  • to employ devices for launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat.